Grant research, Coordinate, write and submit foundation. Corporate and government grant proposals and reports.
Track new foundation funding opportunities.
Outreach to potential donors and Create new cultivation materials for potential donors.
Promote fundraising campaigns.
Updating the company website.
Work on developing a marketing plan, and assist with designing flyers.
Send email lists about upcoming performances, events.
Attract more followers and feedback on social media sites.
Meet in person once a week for 2 hours/ Additonal hours included.
Excellent writing and editing skills (Grant writing or fundraising experience a plus).
Dedicated, hardworking, positive and organized. .
Interest in i KADA dance' mission and the arts.
Experience with photography and film a plus.
Please send resume and cover letter outlining internship interests to ikadadance@gmail.com. Please also share with us how your past experiences will help you in an arts administration internship, your career goals, and availability.
Maria Idrovo
Marketing Team
Nyalah Nixon
Marketing Team
Zoey Yi
Administration Intern
i KADA Contemporary Dance Company
i KADA contemporary dance company was formed in Sept, 2011 in NYC. KADA stands for Korean American Dance Association. We are a contemporary dance company focusing on cultural exchange through the arts. While our focus is dance, we also fuse visual arts, music, painting and photography into our shows and festivals. i KADA dance offers a unique program for our international students from Korea that no other companies are doing.
Our aspiration is to create and present dance works of extraordinary artistry
that deliver positive messages and life enriching experiences for all.
i KADA exchange program: i KADA dance offers a unique program for our international students from Korea that no other companies are doing. We address the whole process of moving, living and establishing a dance career in the United States. We speak the language and know the culture of both the United States and Korea.
Renting out space for classes, workshops, rehearsals and auditions. i KADA teaches all ethnic groups from all corners of the world. Our main focus has been teaching foreign exchange Korean dancers who want to break into the industry by learning directly under our professional teachers. Choreography & teaching form is a part of how we start our lessons. We have various levels of classes that range from Diet, Kids classes, K-pop, teen & traditional korean dance.
We give dancers more exposure, in order to have more performances. We tend to invite famous instructors and musicians from Korea as well as all over the world, to give classes to our students. We choreograph and also design the costume wear based on the theme of the music, to give amazing performances.
i KADA is working on cultural exchange through the arts. In the future we are planning on inviting artists and companies from Korea to perform in the US as well as inviting companies / performers from the US to perform in Korea as part of our cultural exchange program. i KADA Dance Company would like to connect and have a relationship with as many dance companies and artist through the festival to forge strong bonds for the future.
Mee Jung
Artistic Director, Founder
i KADA Contemporary Dance Company is a Non-Profit Organization founded in 2011 in New York City.
The founder/CEO and Artistic Director of i KADA Dance,
Mee Jung, has choreographed numerous pieces and has also collaborated with well known artists for the company events.
The Company debuted in their first show at New York City Center and now holds shows and Festivals annually at Ailey CitiGroup Theater.
Mee Jung's vision is to provide cultural exchange through various art forms as well as have a platform for talented individuals to be able to represent themselves. For this, Mee Jung created the "KoDaFe In NYC International Dance Festival".

Since the creation of the KoDaFe in NYC, the festival has grown to the point where each year, numerous companies from all over the world, such as from Korea, audition to be part of the show. In the end, 30 dance companies are selected for the overall performances.
Mee Jung has been directing this festival and has now expanded it to become a 4 day Festival with 1 day of Master Classes, 1 Day of Competition, and 2 Days of Festival Performances.

Kim Blisard
Youth Program Manager
Kim Blisard began her dance career at Bradford College, graduating with a BA in Humanities. While pursuing her career, Kim trained with Irene Weiss, Kathryn Mickel, Luigi, Adrienne Hawkins, Christina Polos and Lance Westergard. She also studied extensively in NY with Lynn Barr, traveling to Italy for training and performance opportunities. Kim opened the Cape Ann Center for Dance in 2004. In addition to running the dance studio, Kim is the artistic director of the Cape Ann Performance Company. Over the years, the company dancers have performed Ms. Blisard’s award winning choreography at many venues, including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Martha Graham Studio Theater and the KoDaFe International Festival at Ailey Citigroup Theater in NYC.
Youth Program Link here


in NYC
i KADA presents their annual festival called “KoDaFe” which stands for Korean Dance Festival.
Korea (coming soon)
"The life and essence of art –whether it be painting, music, or dance – lies in expressing through a wellspring of emotion the universal realm of the human spirit. It is a melding of the individual and the universal. That is why great art reaches out beyond ethnic and national barriers to move people all over the world."
- Daisaku Ikeda
i KADA presents their annual festival called “KoDaFe” which stands for Korean Dance Festival. All shows and festivals have a specific theme attached to the works. This is where the cultural exchange between artists, choreographers, and dancers are united.

Benefactor circle - $10,000 & Above
*Donors receive 12 tickets to an upcoming Gala event, the sponsor recognition in i KADA Dance performances, and 6 tickets to an upcoming showcase of the KoDaFe in NYC.
i KADA Contemporary Dance Company is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Click the button below to securely donate to us and become one of our amazing supporters!
Sustainer circle - $5,000 & above
*Donors receive 8 tickets to an upcoming Gala Event, the sponsor recognition in i KADA performances, and 4 tickets to an upcoming showcase of the KoDaFe in NYC.
Producer circle - $2,500 & above
*Donors receive 6 tickets to an upcoming Gala Event the sponsor recognition in i KADA performances, and 2 tickets to an upcoming showcase of the KoDaFe in NYC.
Sponsor - $1,000 & above
*Donors receive 4 tickets to an upcoming Gala Event and the sponsor recognition in i KADA performances.
Friend - $250
*Donors receive 1 ticket to an upcoming Gala Event.
i KADA Dance also accepts any other amount.
We appreciate all amounts whether small or large. Thank you.
All monetary contributions will be divided between booking rehearsal spaces, show venues, creating costumes, dancers' wages, multi media, promotion for the shows, and for the Artist's Dreams.
With your support in donations, we will be able to keep our dreams alive, and we can make others' dreams become a reality as well. We believe when something is given, it should be passed to another. We help each other, we pull each other up by sharing and giving back. We thank you in advance for your help!
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: How do I donate to i KADA Dance?
A: You can donate via the donation button labeled below. We accept PayPal, Credit, and Debit as well as other forms of payment.
Q: Are my donations tax deductible?
A: Yes!
For more information contact us at info@ikadadance.com

i KADA Dance Agency
The i KADA (Korean American Dance Association) Contemporary Dance Company was formed in the summer of 2011. The vision for the company is to provide cultural exchange through dance. After much hard work and determination on September 11 2011, i KADA had it's first performance as a dance company in New York City.
i KADA is dedicated to working with dancers that have love, passion and technical ability regardless of race, genre or age.
There are many dancers who have dreams and aspire to travel and study abroad in the United States. If you are serious about studying in the U.S, it is important to prepare yourself properly. The U.S is an immense country with many different styles of colleges, dance schools and dance companies in addition to language, cultural and life style differences. i KADA gives dancers an opportunity to participate in the annual i KADA dance company shows and festivals to those who are committed to our mission. If you have any interest or questions, contact ikadadance@gmail.com
i KADA Dance Center 무용유학 프로그램은 영어레슨과 무용수업을 동시에 받을수있는, 미국 전문 무용수 양성 F-1 비자 프로그램 입니다. 개인별 맞춤 프로그램 및 과정 수료후 미국에서 인턴및 취업 상담도 함께 도와드리고 있습니다.
저희 i KADA Contemporary Dance Company 는 무용을 통한 한국과 미국의 문화교류를 목적으로 2011년 9월 11일 New York City Center 에서 첫공연을 시작으로 창단된 무용단 입니다.
무용뿐 아니라 미술, 퓨전음악, 비디오 아트등 다양한 분야의 예술가들 그리고 나이,국경,장르에 상관없이 실력과 열정이 있는 무용수들과의 작업을 시도 하고 있습니다.
많은 무용수들이 더 큰꿈을 이루고자 미국유학을 생각하고 있지만 현재 한국은 무용유학에 대한 상담이나 준비를 대행해주는 전문적인 시설이 없어 고민하고 궁금증을 가지고 있는 학생들이 많이 있습니다. 미국에 대한 아무런 지식과 준비없이 춤이라는 목적과 열정만을 가지고 유학을 오기엔 쉽지않은 나라입니다. 미국에는 굉장히 다양한 장르의 댄스 아카데미, 대학교, 무용단이 있습니다. 또한 한국과 전혀 다른 문화, 생활방식과 언어의 장벽도 있습니다. 저희 i KADA dance company (뉴욕, 미국)는 이러한 고민을 가지고 있는 무용수들에게 좀더 알차고 유익한 정보를 드리고 더 많은 인재를 발굴해 내기위해 노력하고 있습니다. 단기간 무용 아카데미 연수부터 학위를 준비하시는 많은 학생들의 상담과 준비과정을 도와드리고 있습니다. 그외에도 미국에서의 생활에 대한 조언도 함께 드리고 있습니다. 또한 상담을 통해 유학을 오는 무용수들에게 i KADA 무용단은 정기공연에 참여할수 있는 기회도 드립니다. 문의사항은 ikadadance@gmail.com으로, 자세한 정보는 i KADA Dance Agency Blog 를 참고하세요.


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